University Lecture


التربية العملية باستخدام تطبيقات كوكل

Google Workspace for Education

[المحاضرة الأولى]

محاضرة الاولى

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة الثانية ]

محاضرة الثانية

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة الثالثة]

محاضرة الثالثة

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة الرابعة]

المحاضرة الرابعة

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة الخامسة]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة السادسة]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة السابعة ]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.

[المحاضرة الثامنة]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to detail your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.


Teach Yourself


Google Workspace 2022

Google Workspace is a suite of web applications and services built on Google’s client computing infrastructure. Google Workspace’s apps include the Gmail email service; the Google Drive online storage service; the Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides productivity apps; the Google Keep notes app; the Google Forms app for designing forms, distributing them, and collecting their responses; and various communications apps, such as Google Meet and Google Chat. Google launched the service as Google Apps for Your Domain in 2006, renamed it to G Suite in 2016,

and rebranded it as Google Workspace in fall 2020.

دليل التربية العملية.pdf

دليل التربية العملية